Codependency: How You Feel About Me Is How I Feel About Me.
The Holistic Psychologist
Dr. Casalino says: A common topic! #mentalhealthmatters #codependencyrecovery #therapy #relationships #healthy #love #mentalhealth
Healthy dependency (interdependence) is the foundation of all relationships. We need each other: we need appreciation, reciprocity, and emotional intimacy to fully thrive as human beings.

Codependency is different in that it comes from emotional enmeshment. We learn codependency when we’re raised in homes where one adult dictates the emotion and our emotions are ignored, invalidated, or we have to consistently meet the needs of a parent figure (parentification, helping parents with marital issues, providing emotional support to a parent etc.)
When this happens, we don’t develop a sense of self. So we look to other to people to define how we feel. We may also be hypervigilant: noticing every change in mood, tone, or facial expression.
As we build our sense of self: through self awareness, setting boundaries, practicing self care, and slowly accepting *all* parts of self. #selfhealers